all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

find any address or company within the HD1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 6PL 0 53.656384 -1.770578
HD1 6PN 0 53.655692 -1.77034
HD1 6PP 0 53.656189 -1.772092
HD1 6PQ 10 53.656183 -1.765482
HD1 6PR 0 53.655147 -1.773976
HD1 6PS 1 53.654016 -1.773209
HD1 6PU 2 53.654505 -1.774749
HD1 6PW 0 53.655569 -1.772262
HD1 6PX 1 53.654016 -1.773209
HD1 6PZ 1 53.655169 -1.774504
HD1 6QE 1 53.646954 -1.779403
HD1 6QR 2 53.64675 -1.77585
HD1 6QT 6 53.648095 -1.775814
HD1 6QX 2 53.64808 -1.775812
HD1 6RA 1 53.648859 -1.774416
HD1 6RJ 1 53.652578 -1.77302
HD1 6RX 8 53.646771 -1.772642
HD1 6RZ 5 53.6459 -1.773056
HD1 6SB 4 53.645731 -1.773994
HD1 6SD 3 53.644697 -1.773879