all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 6SE 1 53.649942 -1.771763
HD1 6AQ 1 53.64984 -1.7796
HD1 6BU 1 1 53.648438 -1.781545
HD1 6NU 1 1 53.657001 -1.773662
HD1 6AL 2 2 53.65043 -1.779357
HD1 6BB 0 53.653221 -1.780778
HD1 6PT 2 2 53.655199 -1.772886
HD1 6AF 3 3 53.652278 -1.775956
HD1 6AG 1 53.647452 -1.771534
HD1 6QS 1 53.647399 -1.777117
HD1 6QB 1 1 53.655854 -1.776847
HD1 6AH 53 0 53.646744 -1.779119
HD1 6AX 63 0 53.646744 -1.779119
HD1 6BX 63 0 53.646744 -1.779119