all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 2PZ 10 53.645851 -1.780801
HD1 2QA 7 53.646185 -1.781707
HD1 2QB 35 53.645911 -1.779106
HD1 2QD 2 53.645935 -1.782253
HD1 2QE 5 53.645664 -1.781785
HD1 2QF 6 53.644964 -1.782076
HD1 2QJ 2 53.645195 -1.780804
HD1 2QR 1 53.645325 -1.779958
HD1 2QT 8 53.645535 -1.779819
HD1 2RA 3 53.644347 -1.779296
HD1 2RD 7 53.644178 -1.780038
HD1 2RR 1 53.642135 -1.783467
HD1 2RS 15 53.644458 -1.780642
HD1 2RT 15 53.646275 -1.781404
HD1 2RX 0 53.644627 -1.779869
HD1 2SN 0 53.644488 -1.782653
HD1 2SP 4 53.644732 -1.780006
HD1 2SQ 3 53.645416 -1.780336
HD1 2SU 1 53.644513 -1.781594
HD1 2SX 3 53.644467 -1.782443