all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 2SZ 1 53.644237 -1.783018
HD1 2TA 1 53.643913 -1.782641
HD1 2TE 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 2TG 1 53.644027 -1.786256
HD1 2TH 1 53.644488 -1.782653
HD1 2TR 3 53.644167 -1.783699
HD1 2TT 2 53.643371 -1.782872
HD1 2TW 10 53.643983 -1.783232
HD1 2UD 6 53.64317 -1.784097
HD1 2UJ 43 53.643542 -1.781524
HD1 2UH 1 53.643533 -1.781524
HD1 2UL 3 53.643727 -1.78423
HD1 2UU 1 53.644112 -1.783154
HD1 2WZ 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 2XZ 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 2YU 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 2YZ 1 53.644016 -1.784789
HD1 2QY 1 53.645291 -1.779382
HD1 2BN 1 0 53.644695 -1.782713
HD1 2JA 1 1 53.642489 -1.785311