all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 3TR 10 0 53.657967 -1.843503
HD3 3TS 44 0 53.65883 -1.84403
HD3 3TT 6 0 53.657795 -1.842808
HD3 3TU 28 0 53.658514 -1.842548
HD3 3TW 8 0 53.66124 -1.837711
HD3 3TX 28 0 53.659054 -1.843757
HD3 3TY 46 0 53.661058 -1.845339
HD3 3TZ 41 0 53.661215 -1.84617
HD3 3UA 3 0 53.662946 -1.846134
HD3 3UB 42 0 53.66227 -1.849011
HD3 3UD 12 0 53.663272 -1.847722
HD3 3UE 19 0 53.6629 -1.849735
HD3 3UF 48 0 53.661517 -1.850769
HD3 3UG 5 0 53.661743 -1.851888
HD3 3UH 7 1 53.659084 -1.853093
HD3 3UJ 21 0 53.661378 -1.847516
HD3 3UL 43 0 53.660179 -1.85147
HD3 3UN 9 0 53.660656 -1.852452
HD3 3UP 4 0 53.657867 -1.873615
HD3 3UQ 46 1 53.660163 -1.85321