all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

find any address or company within the HD3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 3BB 23 0 53.656563 -1.817075
HD3 3BD 8 0 53.65709 -1.816983
HD3 3BE 14 0 53.665887 -1.821197
HD3 3BG 7 0 53.658384 -1.814585
HD3 3BH 9 0 53.65883 -1.81242
HD3 3BJ 1 0 53.659464 -1.809814
HD3 3BL 2 0 53.661277 -1.810549
HD3 3BN 3 0 53.66062 -1.813592
HD3 3BQ 18 0 53.658291 -1.812679
HD3 3BR 46 2 53.66325 -1.817
HD3 3BS 28 3 53.664124 -1.818495
HD3 3BT 26 1 53.665538 -1.820275
HD3 3BU 6 0 53.665368 -1.820835
HD3 3BW 9 0 53.66007 -1.837019
HD3 3BX 8 2 53.666014 -1.821863
HD3 3BY 2 0 53.664074 -1.817255
HD3 3DA 10 0 53.652166 -1.810407
HD3 3DB 21 0 53.653594 -1.80975
HD3 3DD 42 1 53.654675 -1.810683
HD3 3DE 25 0 53.654932 -1.80873