all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 3NF 22 1 53.662832 -1.819923
HD3 3NG 12 0 53.662748 -1.817835
HD3 3NH 5 0 53.664749 -1.821443
HD3 3NJ 2 1 53.665078 -1.821458
HD3 3NL 27 1 53.66539 -1.82368
HD3 3NN 73 0 53.664534 -1.827906
HD3 3NP 40 0 53.665681 -1.825601
HD3 3NQ 12 0 53.664017 -1.819131
HD3 3NR 19 0 53.661075 -1.822775
HD3 3NS 30 0 53.66094 -1.816844
HD3 3NT 2 2 53.66588 -1.822454
HD3 3NU 2 0 53.662992 -1.821043
HD3 3NW 43 0 53.664724 -1.828798
HD3 3NX 31 0 53.661358 -1.815784
HD3 3NY 6 0 53.655026 -1.82914
HD3 3NZ 6 0 53.656366 -1.830073
HD3 3PA 23 2 53.65703 -1.829299
HD3 3PB 7 0 53.65696 -1.830056
HD3 3PD 10 0 53.657095 -1.830812
HD3 3PE 36 0 53.658751 -1.831894