all postcodes in HG1 / HARROGATE

find any address or company within the HG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG1 1TD 3 3 53.99255 -1.538606
HG1 1TE 4 4 53.99269 -1.537537
HG1 1TJ 1 1 53.992645 -1.537598
HG1 1TS 12 12 53.992645 -1.537598
HG1 1TT 6 4 53.992258 -1.537603
HG1 1TU 3 2 53.993697 -1.538553
HG1 1TX 4 3 53.994201 -1.5387
HG1 1TY 20 16 53.995173 -1.538995
HG1 1TZ 13 3 53.996129 -1.539055
HG1 1UA 5 0 53.996176 -1.539634
HG1 1UB 14 12 53.995318 -1.53939
HG1 1UE 21 11 53.995153 -1.538568
HG1 1UF 19 9 53.995065 -1.53809
HG1 1XX 1 1 53.997404 -1.541191
HG1 1HU 1 0 54.002427 -1.522386
HG1 1BW 7 0 53.994392 -1.543223
HG1 1RL 0 53.992793 -1.541044
HG1 1JD 7 7 53.991148 -1.537056
HG1 1DP 12 0 53.995978 -1.539636
HG1 1DU 1 53.994774 -1.540433