all postcodes in HG1 / HARROGATE

find any address or company within the HG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG1 2EL 12 0 54.003013 -1.539824
HG1 2EP 16 0 53.998034 -1.548598
HG1 2ER 20 0 53.996591 -1.552016
HG1 2ES 5 0 53.995962 -1.554448
HG1 2ET 18 0 53.996193 -1.55626
HG1 2EU 44 0 53.995044 -1.559018
HG1 2EX 17 0 53.996153 -1.557374
HG1 2EY 15 2 53.994997 -1.553634
HG1 2EZ 19 0 53.994277 -1.556393
HG1 2HA 17 1 53.993649 -1.558331
HG1 2HB 30 0 53.992455 -1.561257
HG1 2HE 17 2 53.992396 -1.564751
HG1 2HF 10 0 53.992802 -1.56525
HG1 2HG 48 0 53.993313 -1.557465
HG1 2HJ 3 0 53.999436 -1.546081
HG1 2HP 4 0 53.998041 -1.54544
HG1 2HR 39 2 53.997892 -1.544161
HG1 2HS 46 0 53.998356 -1.543286
HG1 2HT 14 0 53.997972 -1.54384
HG1 2HU 1 1 53.996938 -1.543775