all postcodes in HG1 / HARROGATE

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG1 3EG 0 54.011839 -1.541307
HG1 3EH 0 54.012851 -1.538061
HG1 3EJ 0 54.012334 -1.539135
HG1 3EL 1 54.011251 -1.540444
HG1 3EN 0 54.014261 -1.538464
HG1 3EP 0 54.006973 -1.549997
HG1 3EQ 1 54.013154 -1.539721
HG1 3EW 0 54.014829 -1.540679
HG1 3EX 4 54.00566 -1.540139
HG1 3EY 5 54.005137 -1.542836
HG1 3EZ 1 54.005896 -1.540656
HG1 3HA 0 54.006192 -1.542911
HG1 3HB 0 54.006449 -1.544266
HG1 3HD 2 54.005819 -1.544272
HG1 3HE 3 54.007031 -1.548531
HG1 3HF 13 2 54.006908 -1.549403
HG1 3HG 12 0 54.006944 -1.554147
HG1 3HH 13 0 54.007773 -1.552216
HG1 3HJ 49 5 54.008899 -1.55289
HG1 3HL 3 1 54.007922 -1.55136