all postcodes in HG1 / HARROGATE

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG1 4NW 16 0 53.997213 -1.506459
HG1 4NX 12 0 54.006016 -1.53002
HG1 4PA 3 3 53.99698 -1.522927
HG1 4PE 42 0 54.006614 -1.52896
HG1 4PF 70 0 54.007047 -1.529337
HG1 4PL 58 0 54.007997 -1.528655
HG1 4PN 32 0 54.0088 -1.524938
HG1 4PP 16 0 54.008517 -1.523675
HG1 4PR 25 0 54.008216 -1.524746
HG1 4PS 6 2 54.005414 -1.536892
HG1 4PT 32 26 53.999885 -1.500631
HG1 4PW 36 0 54.009518 -1.522366
HG1 4PY 1 1 53.999218 -1.500212
HG1 4PZ 36 2 53.999827 -1.499609
HG1 4QA 58 0 54.00033 -1.499649
HG1 4QB 25 2 54.000651 -1.499575
HG1 4QS 12 0 54.001123 -1.500759
HG1 4QD 44 0 54.001121 -1.499655
HG1 4QE 15 11 54.001549 -1.502991
HG1 4QF 41 0 54.002321 -1.502921