all postcodes in HG4 / RIPON

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG4 4DQ 5 0 54.227845 -1.641736
HG4 4DR 13 5 54.221896 -1.657523
HG4 4DS 9 1 54.224725 -1.656733
HG4 4DT 65 0 54.221621 -1.662173
HG4 4DU 12 0 54.224951 -1.657206
HG4 4DW 5 0 54.213888 -1.617774
HG4 4DX 23 7 54.222568 -1.656889
HG4 4DY 7 3 54.22226 -1.656032
HG4 4DZ 9 7 54.221883 -1.656036
HG4 4EA 2 1 54.222095 -1.656946
HG4 4EB 16 5 54.221643 -1.65705
HG4 4ED 1 1 54.221526 -1.65702
HG4 4EE 3 0 54.221032 -1.657086
HG4 4EF 13 5 54.2211 -1.655735
HG4 4EG 8 1 54.221952 -1.655115
HG4 4EH 14 0 54.222984 -1.657913
HG4 4EJ 12 0 54.223496 -1.657571
HG4 4EN 13 2 54.224621 -1.658099
HG4 4EP 6 0 54.224443 -1.658806
HG4 4EQ 10 0 54.22185 -1.654027