all postcodes in HP10 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP10 8EN 32 0 51.634629 -0.699119
HP10 8EP 5 0 51.633973 -0.697534
HP10 8EQ 2 0 51.636072 -0.697656
HP10 8ER 28 0 51.633296 -0.698926
HP10 8ES 15 0 51.638952 -0.702218
HP10 8ET 7 0 51.633955 -0.700048
HP10 8EU 3 0 51.635741 -0.70137
HP10 8EW 30 0 51.634048 -0.701057
HP10 8EX 4 0 51.636245 -0.701033
HP10 8EY 4 1 51.634845 -0.695168
HP10 8EZ 4 0 51.634623 -0.694582
HP10 8HA 2 0 51.64749 -0.714587
HP10 8HB 16 0 51.633786 -0.695771
HP10 8HD 21 0 51.631406 -0.698763
HP10 8HE 16 0 51.629994 -0.696304
HP10 8HF 17 3 51.628361 -0.699567
HP10 8HG 19 1 51.623044 -0.702594
HP10 8HH 60 0 51.638843 -0.701325
HP10 8HN 17 0 51.638545 -0.703602
HP10 8HP 24 0 51.637505 -0.704773