all postcodes in HP10 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP10 0BQ 8 0 51.593644 -0.677437
HP10 0BS 30 0 51.590995 -0.680155
HP10 0BT 30 0 51.592388 -0.680086
HP10 0BU 29 0 51.593695 -0.681145
HP10 0BW 12 0 51.593106 -0.679906
HP10 0BX 10 0 51.595527 -0.684904
HP10 0BY 8 1 51.595876 -0.684013
HP10 0BZ 12 0 51.593989 -0.680126
HP10 0DA 16 0 51.601203 -0.692364
HP10 0DD 5 0 51.597084 -0.688295
HP10 0DE 8 0 51.595639 -0.686922
HP10 0DH 39 0 51.597426 -0.688314
HP10 0DJ 33 0 51.599024 -0.690491
HP10 0DL 29 0 51.600388 -0.692632
HP10 0DP 36 0 51.600122 -0.689738
HP10 0DR 18 0 51.599787 -0.690397
HP10 0DS 12 0 51.600121 -0.690503
HP10 0DT 11 0 51.598409 -0.688589
HP10 0DU 40 0 51.599227 -0.687771
HP10 0AN 5 0 51.600863 -0.689312