all postcodes in HP10 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP10 0DW 39 0 51.600856 -0.69028
HP10 0DX 31 0 51.597955 -0.687331
HP10 0EA 10 0 51.58587 -0.682584
HP10 0EE 16 7 51.588759 -0.682746
HP10 0EF 13 3 51.587987 -0.682148
HP10 0EG 13 0 51.587152 -0.681378
HP10 0EH 2 0 51.5858 -0.6816
HP10 0EJ 12 2 51.587174 -0.683355
HP10 0EL 18 0 51.586548 -0.68422
HP10 0EN 13 0 51.586588 -0.683228
HP10 0EP 14 0 51.585495 -0.683577
HP10 0ER 6 0 51.585616 -0.683198
HP10 0ES 34 1 51.585082 -0.682838
HP10 0ET 40 0 51.58482 -0.684376
HP10 0EU 36 13 51.588241 -0.683916
HP10 0EW 7 0 51.58592 -0.683795
HP10 0EX 3 0 51.587957 -0.685815
HP10 0FA 6 0 51.596309 -0.685675
HP10 0FB 3 0 51.5958 -0.685242
HP10 0FD 33 0 51.596491 -0.685107