all postcodes in HP14 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP14 3DH 18 0 51.621482 -0.832551
HP14 3DJ 18 0 51.621265 -0.834203
HP14 3DL 1 1 51.615493 -0.823475
HP14 3DN 17 0 51.622026 -0.832046
HP14 3DP 10 0 51.620896 -0.831454
HP14 3DQ 29 0 51.621337 -0.833291
HP14 3DR 10 0 51.620425 -0.831162
HP14 3DS 23 0 51.619892 -0.830873
HP14 3DT 11 0 51.620699 -0.83065
HP14 3DU 16 0 51.622556 -0.830212
HP14 3DW 11 0 51.620551 -0.832084
HP14 3DX 25 0 51.62162 -0.830722
HP14 3DY 15 0 51.620981 -0.830108
HP14 3DZ 15 0 51.620511 -0.829788
HP14 3EA 26 0 51.62031 -0.829519
HP14 3EB 28 0 51.622011 -0.829677
HP14 3ED 6 0 51.623196 -0.829444
HP14 3EE 7 0 51.622494 -0.831167
HP14 3EG 3 0 51.622992 -0.828872
HP14 3EH 15 0 51.620965 -0.827552