all postcodes in HP14 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP14 3EJ 16 9 51.620139 -0.832224
HP14 3EL 1 0 51.63984 -0.791356
HP14 3EP 6 0 51.621045 -0.832894
HP14 3EQ 38 0 51.621981 -0.828479
HP14 3ER 11 4 51.619087 -0.835438
HP14 3ES 9 1 51.619381 -0.836433
HP14 3ET 5 0 51.619631 -0.837148
HP14 3EU 8 0 51.619752 -0.837651
HP14 3EX 10 0 51.620023 -0.838655
HP14 3EY 11 1 51.619193 -0.837492
HP14 3EZ 5 0 51.610693 -0.842648
HP14 3FY 4 0 51.659141 -0.897502
HP14 3GE 2 0 51.617337 -0.832176
HP14 3HB 5 0 51.61973 -0.836322
HP14 3HD 8 0 51.618611 -0.837651
HP14 3HE 13 0 51.618709 -0.836695
HP14 3HF 1 0 51.618276 -0.836576
HP14 3HG 9 0 51.618013 -0.836337
HP14 3HH 1 1 51.616055 -0.835665
HP14 3HJ 21 3 51.615199 -0.83911