all postcodes in HP17 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP17 8DF 0 51.770022 -0.932693
HP17 8DG 0 51.772322 -0.936494
HP17 8DH 18 0 51.77175 -0.933884
HP17 8DJ 71 0 51.773123 -0.933547
HP17 8DL 15 0 51.766967 -0.930012
HP17 8DN 3 0 51.768087 -0.930565
HP17 8DP 3 0 51.773303 -0.929586
HP17 8DQ 19 0 51.772758 -0.934976
HP17 8DR 6 0 51.772731 -0.925092
HP17 8DS 7 4 51.773576 -0.923116
HP17 8DT 30 1 51.774562 -0.924788
HP17 8DU 7 0 51.775905 -0.925046
HP17 8DX 30 0 51.776729 -0.925751
HP17 8DY 22 0 51.775031 -0.925849
HP17 8DZ 26 1 51.774575 -0.92715
HP17 8EA 5 0 51.775066 -0.927733
HP17 8EB 19 0 51.774098 -0.926147
HP17 8ED 14 5 51.773758 -0.926314
HP17 8JX 17 3 51.777822 -0.921732
HP17 8EE 5 5 51.773343 -0.926179