all postcodes in HP17 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP17 8EF 11 0 51.775807 -0.926208
HP17 8EH 7 0 51.770797 -0.938849
HP17 8EJ 30 6 51.773373 -0.928425
HP17 8EL 12 0 51.774199 -0.928333
HP17 8EN 1 1 51.773449 -0.929916
HP17 8EP 35 0 51.772078 -0.934739
HP17 8EQ 11 0 51.770648 -0.940287
HP17 8ER 26 1 51.771359 -0.9294
HP17 8ES 20 0 51.771066 -0.929197
HP17 8ET 9 1 51.769527 -0.93069
HP17 8EU 39 1 51.769983 -0.939273
HP17 8EW 24 4 51.773156 -0.9323
HP17 8EX 41 0 51.768703 -0.937014
HP17 8EY 39 0 51.769018 -0.936021
HP17 8EZ 30 0 51.770198 -0.93821
HP17 8HA 19 2 51.771252 -0.925577
HP17 8HB 21 0 51.771106 -0.926334
HP17 8HD 22 0 51.771386 -0.927443
HP17 8HE 3 0 51.769603 -0.926167
HP17 8HF 21 0 51.770035 -0.924243