all postcodes in HP19 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP19 8DE 5 4 51.818212 -0.82587
HP19 8DG 1 1 51.821535 -0.844349
HP19 8DJ 5 5 51.818223 -0.825921
HP19 8DN 1 1 51.817024 -0.823747
HP19 8DP 22 18 51.818908 -0.82533
HP19 8DS 3 3 51.821179 -0.845874
HP19 8DT 1 1 51.822619 -0.826678
HP19 8DX 1 1 51.819545 -0.829529
HP19 8DY 21 20 51.822337 -0.832677
HP19 8DZ 1 1 51.821264 -0.845096
HP19 8EA 1 1 51.820498 -0.824316
HP19 8ED 5 5 51.820531 -0.824881
HP19 8EE 3 0 51.81848 -0.820068
HP19 8EF 43 0 51.818819 -0.819885
HP19 8EH 35 2 51.818541 -0.820864
HP19 8EL 1 1 51.820492 -0.824353
HP19 8EN 1 1 51.819391 -0.818637
HP19 8EP 1 1 51.818553 -0.809475
HP19 8EQ 14 0 51.818231 -0.818638
HP19 8ER 4 0 51.819799 -0.816261