all postcodes in HP19 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP19 8EY 12 6 51.818166 -0.816804
HP19 8EZ 1 1 51.819039 -0.817616
HP19 8FN 3 3 51.823643 -0.831257
HP19 8GA 3 0 51.815267 -0.837851
HP19 8GB 2 0 51.814665 -0.838134
HP19 8GD 15 0 51.815301 -0.835804
HP19 8GE 9 0 51.81498 -0.835247
HP19 8GF 4 0 51.814483 -0.834055
HP19 8GG 51 0 51.814904 -0.833943
HP19 8GH 3 0 51.814698 -0.832149
HP19 8GJ 11 0 51.815767 -0.833848
HP19 8GL 25 0 51.815493 -0.833435
HP19 8GN 14 0 51.815817 -0.834413
HP19 8GP 12 0 51.81669 -0.833607
HP19 8GQ 13 0 51.814855 -0.832595
HP19 8GR 14 0 51.816361 -0.834805
HP19 8GS 13 0 51.815575 -0.832678
HP19 8GT 21 0 51.817223 -0.833767
HP19 8GU 78 0 51.817647 -0.833959
HP19 8GW 22 0 51.815985 -0.833233