all postcodes in HP19 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP19 8GX 10 0 51.813418 -0.838232
HP19 8GY 16 0 51.812788 -0.838117
HP19 8GZ 41 0 51.812531 -0.838545
HP19 8HA 20 0 51.824912 -0.836674
HP19 8HB 31 0 51.824575 -0.83899
HP19 8HD 24 0 51.824863 -0.838953
HP19 8HE 10 0 51.824527 -0.837895
HP19 8HL 19 18 51.820425 -0.837602
HP19 8JR 9 8 51.822225 -0.843156
HP19 8HS 6 0 51.814679 -0.832933
HP19 8HT 5 5 51.819656 -0.816474
HP19 8JB 40 0 51.825337 -0.840552
HP19 8JD 26 0 51.825824 -0.841642
HP19 8JE 29 0 51.826128 -0.842374
HP19 8JF 33 0 51.824727 -0.842512
HP19 8LF 33 0 51.826291 -0.843444
HP19 8LG 17 0 51.826842 -0.843676
HP19 8LH 26 0 51.826762 -0.844665
HP19 8LQ 25 0 51.826552 -0.84438
HP19 8NH 24 0 51.825564 -0.845501