all postcodes in HP21 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP21 9BW 34 0 51.805184 -0.777237
HP21 9BX 14 0 51.808036 -0.775608
HP21 9DA 20 0 51.805431 -0.775881
HP21 9DB 12 0 51.805759 -0.774746
HP21 9DD 36 0 51.805364 -0.774665
HP21 9DE 42 0 51.806693 -0.773793
HP21 9DF 44 0 51.804115 -0.773886
HP21 9DG 36 0 51.803502 -0.776461
HP21 9DH 36 0 51.804484 -0.776429
HP21 9DJ 31 1 51.804722 -0.778792
HP21 9DL 22 0 51.804261 -0.77922
HP21 9DN 43 1 51.805516 -0.778838
HP21 9DP 6 0 51.807236 -0.779139
HP21 9DQ 20 0 51.803871 -0.776329
HP21 9DR 10 4 51.795299 -0.803968
HP21 9DS 43 0 51.79644 -0.807476
HP21 9DT 16 0 51.796767 -0.806032
HP21 9DU 7 0 51.796047 -0.807733
HP21 9DW 27 0 51.806613 -0.778039
HP21 9DZ 19 0 51.79605 -0.805326