all postcodes in HP21 / AYLESBURY

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP21 9EA 2 0 51.795752 -0.809821
HP21 9EB 35 0 51.796989 -0.809303
HP21 9ED 12 0 51.796355 -0.809697
HP21 9EE 15 0 51.795113 -0.809556
HP21 9EF 26 0 51.794655 -0.808727
HP21 9EG 18 0 51.79615 -0.808963
HP21 9EQ 24 0 51.796628 -0.808196
HP21 9ET 2 1 51.793874 -0.809029
HP21 9HG 24 0 51.797154 -0.822031
HP21 9HJ 8 0 51.793771 -0.812926
HP21 9HL 12 0 51.793903 -0.812676
HP21 9HN 9 0 51.793942 -0.812052
HP21 9HP 3 0 51.794878 -0.812984
HP21 9HR 26 0 51.794695 -0.81267
HP21 9HS 33 0 51.793905 -0.81546
HP21 9HT 22 0 51.794429 -0.815765
HP21 9HU 19 0 51.795288 -0.814438
HP21 9HW 15 0 51.79439 -0.811851
HP21 9HX 5 0 51.794143 -0.813279
HP21 9HY 8 0 51.794305 -0.812361