all postcodes in HP22 / PRINCES RISBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP22 4RT 15 0 51.863087 -0.737023
HP22 4RU 1 1 51.881158 -0.782092
HP22 4SB 4 0 51.865821 -0.742959
HP22 4SH 5 0 51.875767 -0.831222
HP22 4SJ 5 0 51.876655 -0.832949
HP22 4TL 18 0 51.883406 -0.844478
HP22 4XE 1 1 51.778221 -0.771607
HP22 4XJ 1 1 51.778273 -0.771432
HP22 4EN 3 0 51.866195 -0.831586
HP22 4FB 5 0 51.872926 -0.76869
HP22 4LQ 3 0 51.873608 -0.769397
HP22 4FD 0 51.873455 -0.916578
HP22 4PW 0 51.861247 -0.739834
HP22 4HG 4 0 51.88536 -0.863273
HP22 4EQ 3 0 51.871833 -0.771639
HP22 4EW 0 51.863111 -0.735875
HP22 4FE 7 0 51.863791 -0.739762
HP22 4FG 8 0 51.88471 -0.848164
HP22 4FF 12 0 51.868796 -0.923466
HP22 4FH 0 51.864199 -0.742748