all postcodes in HP22 / PRINCES RISBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP22 4FJ 0 51.887517 -0.85758
HP22 5QT 12 1 51.808596 -0.769999
HP22 5AA 7 0 51.808648 -0.763818
HP22 5AB 19 2 51.80918 -0.763856
HP22 5AD 28 0 51.807782 -0.757576
HP22 5AF 7 0 51.809269 -0.767118
HP22 5AG 12 1 51.805539 -0.749529
HP22 5AH 27 7 51.802653 -0.737774
HP22 5AJ 16 1 51.802493 -0.734559
HP22 5AL 7 0 51.786225 -0.770042
HP22 5AN 7 0 51.802144 -0.734593
HP22 5AP 2 0 51.818531 -0.775082
HP22 5AQ 33 4 51.804308 -0.742712
HP22 5AR 17 1 51.824667 -0.782252
HP22 5AS 37 1 51.829636 -0.779439
HP22 5AT 15 0 51.829521 -0.77784
HP22 5AU 18 0 51.832792 -0.781226
HP22 5AW 24 1 51.817095 -0.775397
HP22 5AX 28 1 51.841867 -0.764094
HP22 5AY 6 0 51.834539 -0.779728