all postcodes in HP23 / TRING

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP23 4JB 15 0 51.798687 -0.667458
HP23 4JD 8 0 51.799785 -0.668398
HP23 4JE 10 0 51.797945 -0.667901
HP23 4JH 15 1 51.808012 -0.658887
HP23 4JJ 2 0 51.808913 -0.660648
HP23 4JL 20 0 51.807791 -0.659245
HP23 4JN 1 1 51.808171 -0.660216
HP23 4JP 3 0 51.808077 -0.658261
HP23 4JT 2 0 51.798618 -0.676615
HP23 4JU 6 1 51.79714 -0.676253
HP23 4JX 23 16 51.795192 -0.677277
HP23 4JZ 1 1 51.794866 -0.679476
HP23 4LA 2 1 51.795089 -0.683447
HP23 4LB 4 0 51.79502 -0.688404
HP23 4LD 20 1 51.792872 -0.690932
HP23 4LH 2 1 51.813598 -0.670229
HP23 4LJ 17 2 51.818184 -0.667768
HP23 4LL 2 0 51.817834 -0.669524
HP23 4LN 21 1 51.81964 -0.663841
HP23 4LP 22 0 51.82155 -0.661768