all postcodes in HP23 / TRING

find any address or company within the HP23 postcode district

Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP23 4LR 15 0 51.820803 -0.663208
HP23 4LS 19 0 51.820076 -0.664176
HP23 4LT 28 1 51.821644 -0.665291
HP23 4LU 17 1 51.823252 -0.666781
HP23 4LW 20 0 51.821364 -0.661189
HP23 4LX 9 0 51.821542 -0.667456
HP23 4LY 9 0 51.820561 -0.670469
HP23 4LZ 1 0 51.822051 -0.670237
HP23 4NF 7 0 51.82807 -0.679318
HP23 4NA 6 0 51.825553 -0.665901
HP23 4NB 6 1 51.825689 -0.669931
HP23 4ND 7 0 51.828221 -0.66798
HP23 4NE 5 0 51.826644 -0.674909
HP23 4NG 8 0 51.815592 -0.654212
HP23 4NH 46 0 51.82093 -0.665729
HP23 4NJ 9 0 51.821873 -0.66408
HP23 4NP 3 0 51.803865 -0.6698
HP23 4NQ 16 0 51.82147 -0.663439
HP23 4NR 9 0 51.807458 -0.671812
HP23 4NS 2 0 51.810967 -0.671278