all postcodes in HP5 / CHESHAM

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP5 1BQ 1 1 51.704451 -0.612833
HP5 1BT 1 1 51.706541 -0.611568
HP5 1BU 1 0 51.704735 -0.612491
HP5 1BW 24 11 51.705219 -0.612317
HP5 1BX 13 7 51.706077 -0.611915
HP5 1DA 8 0 51.705121 -0.611626
HP5 1DE 27 18 51.707054 -0.61121
HP5 1DG 15 8 51.704297 -0.61225
HP5 1DH 16 8 51.705489 -0.6116
HP5 1DP 4 0 51.699941 -0.616936
HP5 1DR 1 1 51.707002 -0.611018
HP5 1DS 1 1 51.704914 -0.61389
HP5 1DY 1 1 51.706629 -0.612202
HP5 1EA 8 0 51.704695 -0.613236
HP5 1EB 23 13 51.706814 -0.611878
HP5 1EE 12 0 51.703357 -0.611506
HP5 1EF 10 0 51.707347 -0.61165
HP5 1EG 34 25 51.70641 -0.612715
HP5 1EH 1 1 51.705961 -0.612758
HP5 1EJ 1 1 51.702867 -0.612679