all postcodes in HP5 / CHESHAM

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP5 1EP 50 32 51.704876 -0.612994
HP5 1ES 14 2 51.703714 -0.613608
HP5 1ET 2 2 51.702589 -0.61304
HP5 1EU 2 0 51.7032 -0.612255
HP5 1EX 2 0 51.702579 -0.611463
HP5 1EY 5 0 51.703134 -0.611996
HP5 1EZ 13 5 51.703002 -0.612203
HP5 1FJ 1 1 51.716227 -0.608694
HP5 1FL 1 1 51.716227 -0.608694
HP5 1FP 1 1 51.716227 -0.608694
HP5 1HB 1 1 51.703325 -0.612621
HP5 1HE 23 0 51.703406 -0.611895
HP5 1HF 4 2 51.703436 -0.612849
HP5 1HG 15 9 51.703726 -0.613043
HP5 1HH 6 3 51.704432 -0.618029
HP5 1HL 1 0 51.705295 -0.618003
HP5 1HQ 6 1 51.703808 -0.612685
HP5 1HR 4 4 51.708394 -0.61167
HP5 1HS 1 1 51.704183 -0.613724
HP5 1HT 6 1 51.703963 -0.613664