all postcodes in HP7 / AMERSHAM

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP7 0JG 29 0 51.664082 -0.614673
HP7 0JH 8 0 51.664101 -0.613227
HP7 0JJ 35 0 51.662087 -0.614763
HP7 0JL 26 0 51.661778 -0.614454
HP7 0JN 3 0 51.663179 -0.613573
HP7 0JP 6 1 51.666583 -0.61477
HP7 0JQ 3 0 51.664845 -0.613074
HP7 0JT 5 0 51.653483 -0.601986
HP7 0JU 7 3 51.643394 -0.611821
HP7 0JW 4 0 51.665381 -0.614272
HP7 0JX 3 0 51.637608 -0.610653
HP7 0JY 4 0 51.634145 -0.620218
HP7 0JZ 3 0 51.648426 -0.618345
HP7 0LA 3 1 51.651037 -0.619199
HP7 0LB 26 2 51.653052 -0.623321
HP7 0LE 6 0 51.652962 -0.628406
HP7 0LF 31 0 51.652224 -0.628681
HP7 0LG 13 0 51.649729 -0.630592
HP7 0LH 10 1 51.646397 -0.631423
HP7 0LJ 8 0 51.647571 -0.632145