all postcodes in HP7 / AMERSHAM

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HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP7 0LL 5 0 51.648151 -0.633284
HP7 0LN 7 0 51.647083 -0.633446
HP7 0LP 4 0 51.645879 -0.632008
HP7 0LQ 19 1 51.649611 -0.629699
HP7 0LR 15 0 51.645458 -0.631414
HP7 0LS 13 3 51.641193 -0.631138
HP7 0LT 4 0 51.640508 -0.63019
HP7 0LU 16 1 51.639278 -0.624187
HP7 0LW 22 0 51.646034 -0.634533
HP7 0LX 12 0 51.653777 -0.624586
HP7 0LY 5 0 51.643123 -0.63319
HP7 0LZ 10 0 51.644262 -0.631392
HP7 0NA 5 0 51.647277 -0.654182
HP7 0ND 3 1 51.661131 -0.629814
HP7 0NE 6 0 51.652824 -0.6416
HP7 0NF 15 0 51.64923 -0.649628
HP7 0NG 8 0 51.648531 -0.651118
HP7 0NH 4 0 51.647834 -0.65337
HP7 0NJ 3 0 51.647753 -0.653358
HP7 0NL 4 0 51.647559 -0.653667