all postcodes in HR1 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR1 1DQ 17 0 52.065129 -2.703153
HR1 1DS 45 0 52.067195 -2.701989
HR1 1DT 30 6 52.066804 -2.704098
HR1 1DU 17 0 52.06291 -2.708763
HR1 1DX 16 0 52.065381 -2.701494
HR1 1DZ 8 0 52.062619 -2.709415
HR1 1EA 13 0 52.075593 -2.716799
HR1 1ED 20 0 52.067974 -2.708391
HR1 1EE 32 1 52.065868 -2.710298
HR1 1EF 40 0 52.065539 -2.709636
HR1 1EG 21 2 52.063583 -2.710539
HR1 1EH 27 0 52.063607 -2.70946
HR1 1EJ 52 0 52.064015 -2.707438
HR1 1EL 15 0 52.063104 -2.709393
HR1 1EN 6 52.062755 -2.710644
HR1 1EP 0 52.0628 -2.70774
HR1 1EQ 1 52.061196 -2.706781
HR1 1ER 0 52.063039 -2.708371
HR1 1ES 0 52.064733 -2.706151
HR1 1ET 0 52.062562 -2.708422