all postcodes in HR1 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR1 1HS 1 52.060798 -2.702676
HR1 1HT 0 52.06099 -2.700652
HR1 1HU 1 52.073685 -2.70673
HR1 1HW 3 52.068061 -2.711879
HR1 1HX 0 52.064693 -2.697852
HR1 1HY 2 52.064164 -2.696093
HR1 1HZ 0 52.064907 -2.696526
HR1 1JB 0 52.064646 -2.693533
HR1 1JD 0 52.066046 -2.695552
HR1 1JE 0 52.066081 -2.700279
HR1 1JF 0 52.067566 -2.700011
HR1 1JG 0 52.065031 -2.695434
HR1 1JH 0 52.065489 -2.699993
HR1 1JJ 2 52.069449 -2.696394
HR1 1JL 0 52.07334 -2.698102
HR1 1JN 2 52.074173 -2.704739
HR1 1JP 0 52.074347 -2.707266
HR1 1JR 1 52.071614 -2.708654
HR1 1JS 3 52.072462 -2.705209
HR1 1JT 3 52.072666 -2.701156