all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS2 0RA 11 4 58.347781 -6.516934
HS2 0RB 7 4 58.346197 -6.512643
HS2 0RG 23 0 58.391972 -6.485784
HS2 0RH 48 0 58.402027 -6.468063
HS2 0RJ 1 0 58.404185 -6.463711
HS2 0RL 20 0 58.403388 -6.460356
HS2 0RQ 38 0 58.398004 -6.476376
HS2 0RR 23 0 58.427096 -6.4284
HS2 0RS 20 1 58.420568 -6.4295
HS2 0RT 11 0 58.413779 -6.437781
HS2 0RU 8 0 58.415288 -6.434458
HS2 0RX 75 5 58.415188 -6.440958
HS2 0RY 1 0 58.410694 -6.442069
HS2 0RZ 1 0 58.41211 -6.455754
HS2 0SD 2 0 58.248667 -6.407346
HS2 0SH 37 1 58.441362 -6.392652
HS2 0SJ 20 0 58.443923 -6.378803
HS2 0SN 26 5 58.473314 -6.284084
HS2 0SP 67 3 58.46815 -6.312839
HS2 0SR 1 0 58.472702 -6.328246