all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS2 0XD 14 0 58.493383 -6.250721
HS2 0XF 28 0 58.498268 -6.239786
HS2 0XG 29 1 58.500743 -6.252213
HS2 0XH 52 0 58.502366 -6.263972
HS2 0XJ 4 0 58.486314 -6.236626
HS2 0XP 4 3 58.215396 -6.389077
HS2 0XR 1 1 58.213516 -6.396666
HS2 0XS 3 2 58.211579 -6.394834
HS2 0EH 24 0 58.219963 -6.41231
HS2 0EJ 50 0 58.249962 -6.399138
HS2 0BR 5 0 58.217895 -6.410502
HS2 0AP 1 0 58.202373 -6.351531
HS2 0EL 2 1 58.212795 -6.417154
HS2 0SG 6 0 58.433795 -6.401138
HS2 0LD 6 0 58.285353 -6.304106
HS2 0NQ 0 58.340378 -6.201755
HS2 0AW 25 0 58.205196 -6.340028
HS2 0BA 36 0 58.203667 -6.339697
HS2 0BE 0 58.247644 -6.320916
HS2 0EN 1 58.247847 -6.396829