all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS2 9BD 54 5 58.330449 -6.668593
HS2 9BE 6 0 58.326767 -6.671069
HS2 9BG 36 0 58.319186 -6.675196
HS2 9BJ 62 0 58.323295 -6.698769
HS2 9BL 6 0 58.314526 -6.691877
HS2 9BP 2 0 58.340404 -6.669396
HS2 9BQ 48 6 58.327145 -6.682114
HS2 9BW 16 0 58.333349 -6.669631
HS2 9DA 60 3 58.335745 -6.62182
HS2 9DB 53 4 58.342363 -6.595694
HS2 9DD 37 0 58.333951 -6.636327
HS2 9DE 22 0 58.332661 -6.635696
HS2 9DF 8 0 58.333515 -6.634714
HS2 9DG 2 0 58.333139 -6.63478
HS2 9DH 32 1 58.341156 -6.654618
HS2 9DJ 10 0 58.345317 -6.595343
HS2 9DQ 8 0 58.331814 -6.636474
HS2 9DR 10 0 58.188077 -6.749835
HS2 9DS 27 1 58.189558 -6.706565
HS2 9DT 10 0 58.173997 -6.608399