all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS7 5PP 37 1 57.43402 -7.360815
HS7 5PQ 2 0 57.411848 -7.334553
HS7 5PR 13 0 57.40945 -7.310188
HS7 5PS 10 0 57.404365 -7.279457
HS7 5PT 1 0 57.39606 -7.252825
HS7 5PW 16 0 57.409535 -7.329009
HS7 5PY 22 4 57.422769 -7.336108
HS7 5PZ 2 0 57.43058 -7.333599
HS7 5QA 31 3 57.442822 -7.358463
HS7 5QB 20 0 57.441759 -7.352766
HS7 5QD 10 0 57.412468 -7.309258
HS7 5QF 5 0 57.416126 -7.29982
HS7 5QG 5 0 57.411363 -7.268594
HS7 5QH 3 1 57.414083 -7.23674
HS7 5QJ 3 0 57.426159 -7.21228
HS7 5QL 5 0 57.429289 -7.22035
HS7 5QP 14 0 57.479352 -7.305754
HS7 5QR 11 0 57.476807 -7.285839
HS7 5QS 6 0 57.474099 -7.269745
HS7 5LD 4 0 57.472623 -7.387409