all postcodes in HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District

HS / Outer Hebrides

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS8 5JH 13 0 57.085855 -7.30056
HS8 5JJ 25 3 57.08596 -7.306913
HS8 5JL 27 1 57.082311 -7.308291
HS8 5JN 7 0 57.073314 -7.303797
HS8 5JP 8 0 57.065533 -7.296811
HS8 5JR 9 0 57.088294 -7.290073
HS8 5JT 6 0 57.08474 -7.307052
HS8 5JU 6 0 57.084782 -7.30838
HS8 5JW 4 0 57.072075 -7.297787
HS8 5NS 2 1 57.32894 -7.285392
HS8 5NU 6 1 57.371134 -7.298074
HS8 5NX 2 0 57.369018 -7.282496
HS8 5NY 3 0 57.359412 -7.269503
HS8 5NZ 7 0 57.34413 -7.269189
HS8 5PD 15 2 57.370004 -7.288764
HS8 5PE 16 0 57.384822 -7.304184
HS8 5QX 14 3 57.398619 -7.350644
HS8 5QY 12 0 57.389559 -7.327702
HS8 5RA 8 0 57.393206 -7.369917
HS8 5RB 9 0 57.397291 -7.386953