all postcodes in HU15 / BROUGH

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU15 1DE 3 0 53.731329 -0.577931
HU15 1DF 66 1 53.728662 -0.569238
HU15 1DG 42 0 53.728664 -0.565631
HU15 1DH 40 0 53.727962 -0.567883
HU15 1DL 10 1 53.729541 -0.574347
HU15 1DN 26 0 53.728984 -0.5767
HU15 1DP 30 0 53.731047 -0.57707
HU15 1DQ 14 0 53.727869 -0.566825
HU15 1DR 19 0 53.73073 -0.5784
HU15 1SW 15 0 53.727568 -0.565744
HU15 1DS 15 0 53.730001 -0.578273
HU15 1DT 13 0 53.729678 -0.579148
HU15 1DX 24 1 53.729754 -0.580222
HU15 1DU 2 0 53.730584 -0.58023
HU15 1DW 14 0 53.730112 -0.575556
HU15 1DY 14 1 53.72993 -0.580655
HU15 1DZ 25 3 53.727939 -0.580252
HU15 1EA 29 3 53.7282 -0.580901
HU15 1EB 30 0 53.727663 -0.578988
HU15 1ED 1 0 53.726642 -0.582136