all postcodes in HU15 / BROUGH

find any address or company within the HU15 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU15 1AA 50 0 53.730864 -0.575257
HU15 1AB 15 9 53.730138 -0.57316
HU15 1AD 9 0 53.730873 -0.573014
HU15 1AE 24 1 53.731258 -0.572137
HU15 1AF 9 9 53.729052 -0.57109
HU15 1AG 26 0 53.731945 -0.574751
HU15 1AH 16 0 53.732546 -0.573867
HU15 1AJ 8 0 53.73226 -0.572482
HU15 1AL 6 0 53.734942 -0.570496
HU15 1AN 22 0 53.735013 -0.572646
HU15 1AP 5 1 53.735435 -0.571116
HU15 1AQ 22 0 53.73226 -0.574755
HU15 1AR 5 0 53.731456 -0.578224
HU15 1AS 16 0 53.728464 -0.568457
HU15 1AT 3 0 53.734456 -0.570482
HU15 1AU 73 0 53.72827 -0.575618
HU15 1AW 17 0 53.734996 -0.575072
HU15 1AY 1 1 53.728941 -0.567628
HU15 1BA 43 12 53.727866 -0.573388
HU15 1BB 10 2 53.727793 -0.572527