all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 2DR 3 1 53.736502 -0.348989
HU3 2DT 8 6 53.737281 -0.347648
HU3 2DU 1 1 53.736948 -0.349541
HU3 2DZ 1 1 53.73704 -0.347111
HU3 2EB 56 0 53.74255 -0.350368
HU3 2ED 56 0 53.74255 -0.350368
HU3 2EE 56 0 53.742655 -0.348847
HU3 2EF 56 0 53.742655 -0.348847
HU3 2EJ 10 0 53.74205 -0.348643
HU3 2EL 18 0 53.741657 -0.348651
HU3 2EP 1 1 53.742007 -0.349419
HU3 2EW 15 0 53.742202 -0.347895
HU3 2EX 24 0 53.741259 -0.349106
HU3 2EY 19 1 53.740699 -0.349091
HU3 2EZ 25 0 53.740305 -0.349212
HU3 2HA 21 5 53.740714 -0.350849
HU3 2HB 1 0 53.741416 -0.351519
HU3 2HD 10 0 53.740057 -0.350563
HU3 2HE 1 1 53.739815 -0.35146
HU3 2HF 8 0 53.742065 -0.350993