all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 2HG 56 0 53.740962 -0.352553
HU3 2HJ 9 0 53.738399 -0.352426
HU3 2HL 13 0 53.738455 -0.351923
HU3 2HN 8 0 53.738859 -0.35124
HU3 2HP 47 0 53.739156 -0.35
HU3 2HQ 2 1 53.741486 -0.349901
HU3 2HR 48 0 53.738784 -0.350394
HU3 2HS 18 0 53.739552 -0.35003
HU3 2HT 12 0 53.739719 -0.349705
HU3 2JA 8 6 53.743163 -0.349623
HU3 2JF 4 4 53.743803 -0.351736
HU3 2JH 5 5 53.743226 -0.352404
HU3 2JJ 1 1 53.743251 -0.351599
HU3 2JL 1 1 53.743228 -0.351949
HU3 2JR 2 1 53.743695 -0.352347
HU3 2JZ 1 1 53.744113 -0.358146
HU3 2LL 3 3 53.742962 -0.346985
HU3 2LN 26 0 53.741424 -0.353414
HU3 2LP 5 0 53.74192 -0.353531
HU3 2LR 6 0 53.741818 -0.354005