all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
HU5 4GE4053.759278-0.383237
HU5 4HA3053.76276-0.382178
HU5 4HB7053.762466-0.381704
HU5 4HD35053.761246-0.381235
HU5 4HE30053.761118-0.381695
HU5 4HF423353.757274-0.388669
HU5 4HG51053.759334-0.380793
HU5 4HH17053.759303-0.379762
HU5 4HJ18053.761852-0.3842
HU5 4HL7053.761115-0.385503
HU5 4HN30053.760996-0.384703
HU5 4HP33153.761032-0.382669
HU5 4HQ44053.75909-0.38197
HU5 4HR19053.761247-0.383268
HU5 4HS2253.755884-0.382912
HU5 4HT6053.760476-0.383228
HU5 4HW22053.761234-0.374363
HU5 4HX28053.760737-0.384152
HU5 4HY38053.760688-0.374521
HU5 4HZ1153.758626-0.388936