all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 4DW 38 0 53.759841 -0.377011
HU5 4DY 14 0 53.761853 -0.374233
HU5 4DZ 28 0 53.762194 -0.37557
HU5 4EA 32 0 53.762464 -0.374923
HU5 4EB 16 0 53.762882 -0.372555
HU5 4ED 24 1 53.763154 -0.372074
HU5 4EE 7 0 53.765306 -0.372385
HU5 4EF 5 5 53.763885 -0.376073
HU5 4EG 36 0 53.764558 -0.369592
HU5 4EP 12 0 53.761148 -0.37599
HU5 4EQ 41 0 53.764218 -0.369666
HU5 4ES 41 0 53.760665 -0.376843
HU5 4ET 32 1 53.762032 -0.378823
HU5 4EU 14 0 53.763174 -0.382208
HU5 4EX 8 0 53.763522 -0.383377
HU5 4EY 14 0 53.762713 -0.383363
HU5 4EZ 21 3 53.762713 -0.382665
HU5 4GA 35 0 53.759886 -0.384336
HU5 4GB 12 0 53.759367 -0.383871
HU5 4GD 28 0 53.759408 -0.384886