all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 5BB 21 0 53.749496 -0.389164
HU5 5BD 24 0 53.749439 -0.390925
HU5 5BF 13 0 53.750375 -0.4051
HU5 5BG 17 0 53.750295 -0.399112
HU5 5BH 19 0 53.750325 -0.402054
HU5 5BJ 16 0 53.749355 -0.392703
HU5 5BL 16 9 53.750298 -0.393956
HU5 5BN 46 0 53.751173 -0.39283
HU5 5BP 64 0 53.75277 -0.393285
HU5 5BS 58 0 53.754333 -0.393241
HU5 5BT 41 0 53.751054 -0.394033
HU5 5BU 14 0 53.75193 -0.395016
HU5 5BX 24 0 53.752402 -0.394027
HU5 5BY 8 0 53.752578 -0.395067
HU5 5BZ 50 0 53.754017 -0.394451
HU5 5DA 74 0 53.7554 -0.393048
HU5 5DB 20 0 53.753156 -0.395303
HU5 5DD 12 0 53.752391 -0.395848
HU5 5DE 19 0 53.751023 -0.395111
HU5 5DF 24 0 53.751566 -0.396061