all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 5DG 4 0 53.75278 -0.396697
HU5 5DH 29 0 53.754399 -0.396803
HU5 5DJ 24 0 53.752566 -0.398222
HU5 5DL 6 0 53.752756 -0.398291
HU5 5DN 19 0 53.752251 -0.398189
HU5 5DP 33 0 53.751637 -0.396635
HU5 5DQ 32 1 53.754372 -0.397441
HU5 5DR 35 0 53.756936 -0.392944
HU5 5DS 30 0 53.756256 -0.392469
HU5 5DT 18 1 53.750657 -0.397264
HU5 5DU 4 0 53.751051 -0.398332
HU5 5DW 20 0 53.756143 -0.39346
HU5 5DX 12 0 53.75152 -0.399339
HU5 5DY 4 0 53.751523 -0.400203
HU5 5DZ 31 0 53.752088 -0.402169
HU5 5EA 16 0 53.751373 -0.403773
HU5 5EB 1 1 53.751163 -0.406032
HU5 5ED 23 0 53.750743 -0.405071
HU5 5EE 56 0 53.751071 -0.408153
HU5 5EF 55 0 53.751587 -0.409741