all postcodes in HU9 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU9 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU9 2LR 36 3 53.756542 -0.306816
HU9 2LS 6 0 53.755814 -0.307292
HU9 2LT 6 0 53.756124 -0.307197
HU9 2LU 8 0 53.756384 -0.307095
HU9 2LX 14 0 53.756762 -0.307126
HU9 2LY 14 0 53.757116 -0.307369
HU9 2LZ 8 0 53.757311 -0.306542
HU9 2NH 12 0 53.754506 -0.306996
HU9 2NJ 43 0 53.754573 -0.304893
HU9 2NL 40 0 53.754797 -0.304884
HU9 2NN 8 0 53.754517 -0.30667
HU9 2NP 8 0 53.754466 -0.30558
HU9 2NR 8 0 53.754998 -0.305119
HU9 2NS 10 0 53.754997 -0.30568
HU9 2NT 8 0 53.75505 -0.306224
HU9 2NU 19 0 53.755175 -0.30681
HU9 2NW 10 0 53.75446 -0.305853
HU9 2NX 18 0 53.755989 -0.306535
HU9 2NY 10 0 53.756696 -0.306324
HU9 2PA 44 0 53.756459 -0.303513