all postcodes in HU9 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU9 2QL 8 0 53.754347 -0.306737
HU9 2QN 38 0 53.754092 -0.305041
HU9 2QP 5 0 53.75378 -0.306669
HU9 2QR 8 0 53.753727 -0.30614
HU9 2QS 8 0 53.753705 -0.305853
HU9 2QT 8 0 53.753724 -0.305276
HU9 2QU 14 0 53.753704 -0.304473
HU9 2QW 35 0 53.753828 -0.305014
HU9 2QX 10 0 53.754207 -0.304438
HU9 2QY 8 0 53.754211 -0.30471
HU9 2QZ 8 0 53.75425 -0.305573
HU9 2RA 5 0 53.754286 -0.307498
HU9 2RB 18 1 53.753034 -0.307943
HU9 2RD 5 2 53.753154 -0.307574
HU9 2RE 9 4 53.752367 -0.307833
HU9 2RF 10 0 53.753107 -0.307439
HU9 2RG 5 2 53.751957 -0.308077
HU9 2RH 42 0 53.752152 -0.305961
HU9 2RJ 41 0 53.752003 -0.303085
HU9 2RL 69 0 53.7519 -0.305319