all postcodes in HU9 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU9 1JN 5 0 53.749756 -0.317766
HU9 1JP 25 2 53.750997 -0.317587
HU9 1JQ 22 0 53.749919 -0.31763
HU9 1JR 28 2 53.750213 -0.316352
HU9 1JS 10 0 53.750788 -0.316997
HU9 1JT 10 0 53.750521 -0.316522
HU9 1JU 10 0 53.750438 -0.316389
HU9 1JX 10 0 53.750253 -0.316063
HU9 1JY 4 0 53.74998 -0.315611
HU9 1JZ 34 0 53.749963 -0.316469
HU9 1LA 38 0 53.750676 -0.316061
HU9 1LB 8 0 53.750672 -0.316395
HU9 1LG 1 1 53.744952 -0.318746
HU9 1LH 5 3 53.745433 -0.32336
HU9 1NJ 22 18 53.745239 -0.318705
HU9 1LN 6 4 53.74497 -0.32309
HU9 1LP 7 6 53.744948 -0.322371
HU9 1LQ 2 2 53.749294 -0.315365
HU9 1LW 1 1 53.745006 -0.320701
HU9 1NB 2 1 53.746212 -0.314851